Hanggliding Certification
Hang 4 (Advanced Rating)
4" or advanced rating includes the following requirements:
Hang 3 (Intermediate) rating
for at least eight months during which he will have made at
least 250 flights. Five flights each must be made at
five different Intermediate sites (at least three inland)
Make at least on 60 minute flight
Soar in thermal lift only for at
least 30 minutes in one flight
Log 25 hours minimum total airtime on
at least 80 different days
Demonstrate figure eights around
reselected pylons across the wind. Course must be
flown smoothly with equal radius turns
Land three times in a row within 25
ft. of a spot after flights of at least one minute and at
least 200 ft. in altitude.
Demonstrate stall and recovery
Pass a written exam
More hang
4 information can be found at the USHGA
Other Ratings
out the other rating that are available through FFP and the

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4 -- Advanced
Pilots are expert fliers. |