Hanggliding Certification
Hang 3 (Intermediate Rating)
To gain a
"Hang 3" rating you will be required to have met the
following requirements:
- Hold a novice (Hang 2) rating for at
least four months with 30 flying days and at least 90
- Demonstrate steep and gentle 180º
linked turns along a predetermined track
- Land three times in a row within 50
ft. of a target
- Complete at least 10 flights with 75
ft. (or greater) ground clearance
- Demonstrate speed control in turns
and various wind conditions
- Pass a written exam
More hang
3 information can be found at the USHGA
Other Ratings
out the other rating that are available through FFP and the

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compare to other flight parks.
3 is the Intermediate level
is where you will get to develop your soaring skills and
fly for hours! |